Community in Hospitality

Sep 10, 2023    Pastor Rick Wright

In Acts 2 we see the inception and progression of the Church. Have you ever wondered what took place to form the early Church? In Acts 2, we get a history of the rudimentary structure of church. A synopsis of Acts 2:42-47: People were saved and baptized then they devoted themselves to the Word of God, fellowship, breaking bread, praying, giving, and praising daily in the temple and from house to house. 

Most vital to the continuation of that early Church was the hospitality of its members. Persecution was rampant and it was through the hospitality of the Church that people were fed, lodged, hidden, and helped to continue the spread of the gospel. Hospitality allows the Church to show Jesus to the lost and bring care for its own. Join us this Sunday for Pastor Rick's Sermon, "Community through Hospitality."