Fear Nots of Christmas

Dec 6, 2020    Dr. Danny Lovett

This Sunday we will be looking at The Fear Not’s of Christmas. Fear has been part of the human existence since the fall of man in Genesis 3:8-10. Everyone, regardless of how brave they seem, is afraid of something (snakes, spiders, disease, financial setbacks, old age, gray hair, no hair, rejection, disappointment, exposure, being forgotten, etc.). Even in the Bible, we can see where men were stalked by theirs fears. Nothing has changed! People are still caught in the grip of their fears, and this is even true during the Christmas Season. A time that should be joyous, happy and totally Christ-centered. We fear not having enough money, of not meeting everyone’s expectations, we worry over meals, over who will be there and who will not. We worry over gifts, Christmas cards, we just seem to fear everything. This Sunday we will see how Mary and Joseph, as well as the shepherds, overcame their fears.