The Mighty God
In Isaiah 9:6, the Lord is called the Mighty God. As God, He will do things that no one else can conceivably do. As God, He is omnipotent (all-powerful), omniscient (all-knowing), and omnipresent (present everywhere). He is able to save any who cry out to Him for salvation. As Mighty God, He has the power and knowledge to rescue people from all trails and temptations. He has the power to deliver people from any bondage or oppression, whether due to some enemy or to a personal addiction. In the words of Matthew Henry, “He is the Mighty God, the mighty one. As he has wisdom, so he has strength, to go through with his undertaking; he is able to save to the uttermost; and such is the work of the mediator.” This Sunday we look at the power, strength, and victory this Mighty God provides for us.