The Walk of Faith

Feb 1, 2015    Dr. Danny Lovett    Genesis 11:27-12:9

Most Christians understand that they are saved by grace through faith (Ephesians 2:8-9). That is, when we believe or place faith in the fact that the finished work of Christ on the cross was accomplished as payment for our sins and embrace Christ as Lord and Savior (by faith), we are saved. Our salvation is not accomplished by works which we do, but by the work which Christ did. When we have faith in that fact-embrace it, cling to it, rely on it, depend on it- we are saved (Romans 5:1).

Bur how many Christians know that they are to live the Christian life in the exact same way they entered the Christian life-by faith (2 Corinthians 5:7)? The Christian life is a faith-walk. This Sunday, we will look at the way we exercise the same dependence upon God's grace to live each day as we exercised faith in order to live for eternity. You don't want to miss it. Every time you open the Word of God, it will change your life!