The Priority of the Cross

Apr 6, 2014    Pastor Danny Lovett

The cross of our Lord Jesus Christ is the outworking of God's redemptive purpose in time and in eternity. For this very reason the cross is central in God's word as well as being central to God's world. Throughout the Bible we find the message of the cross of Christ, central in the Law, the Psalms, the Prophets, the Gospels, the Acts, the Epistles, and the Book of Revelation. To remove this recurring truth is to render the Bible meaningless.

But the cross is also central to the world. The cross is central in history, because the death of Christ divides human history, the centuries before Christ and the centuries after Christ. The cross of Christ is central to human experience, having an important relevance to the relationships of government and people, businesses, families, churches. It is clear from scripture that unless we accept the redemption offered from the cross, there will be no hope of peace, harmony, or good will. The cross stands as the only means to forgiveness of sins and a relationship with God.