The Conclusion to the Whole Matter
"Is life worth living?" That was the question the Preacher raised when he began the discourse that we call Ecclesiastes.
After experimenting and investigating "life under the sun," which means living life without God, he concluded "Life without God is not worth living!" He realized that life was not monotonous but filled with challenging situations from God, each in its own time and each for its own purpose. He also learned that wealth could be enjoyed and used for the glory of God. Though man's wisdom couldn't explain everything, Solomon concluded that it was better to follow God's wisdom than to practice man's folly. As for death, there is no way to escape it; and this should motivate us to enjoy life now by living like we are dying and by making the most of the opportunities God gives us. Paul said,"whether we eat or drink or whatever we do we do it for God's glory"
(I Corinthians15:31).
This Sunday we will finish our study on Ecclesiastes by looking at Solomon's Conclusion of the Whole Matter. Solomon ends his research by giving us four pictures of life and how each picture gives us a practical application to heed.