Why the Virgin Birth

Dec 6, 2015    Dr. Danny Lovett    Matthew 1

December is here and so we begin our celebration of the birth of Jesus! We'll begin looking at the Christ of Christmas by answering the question, "Why the Virgin Birth?". An 11th century English philosopher and theologian by the name of Anselm wrote a book entitled "Why Did God Become Man?". Anselm listed four methods God has used in His making of a human being. First, the most ordinary way, through the union of a man and a woman. Second, by special creation, without the union of a man and woman, as God did with Adam. Third, without the involvement of a woman, when God took a rib from Adam to create Eve. And fourth, by supernaturally empowering a man and woman who are beyond childbearing age, as with Abraham and Sarah. But there is also a fifth way we could add to Anselm's list, which is the the birth of a child through a woman without the involvement of a man. Jesus was born of a virgin, the child of God planted in a human mother without a human father.