
Apr 17, 2016    Dr. Danny Lovett    John 3

We now come to the last of the seven words spoken from the cross. As we examine this final utterance we find that it is mainly concerned with the divine Sonship of our Lord. So, in the word from the cross, we hear Jesus affirming His Sonship and saying "Father". If Jesus Christ is not the Son of God, then there is no message of the love of God in His life and death. Were we to read John 3:16 like this... "God so loved the world that He gave an archangel", it would have no appeal. It would be like a millionaire tossing a coin to a beggar in the street, costing him nothing. But when we read that "God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son", we are melted and moved. This Sunday we will see how important this Word of Confidence is to us who know Christ as our personal Savior.