Mary did you know

Dec 19, 2021    Pastor Danny Lovett

This is the Sunday before Christmas. I'll be preaching a message titled "Mary, Did You Know?" Heaven announced the birth of Jesus in these words, “The Virgin will give birth to a son, and call him Immanuel which means, “God with us.” We can be sure that Jesus was born of a virgin because:
1. The Angel of the Lord announced it (Matthew 1:20).
2. Mary's husband-to-be accepted it (Matthew 1:24).
3. Elizabeth, her cousin, received it by divine revelation (Luke 1:41-42).
4. The story was written by a well-respected medical doctor, Luke, personally knew the people involved.
So this Sunday we will take a close look into the message Gabriel delivered to Mary. Join us as we remember Christ's birth and death in this very special Christmas service.