God, the Giver
If the word “quit” is part of your vocabulary, then it is likely that the word “finish” isn’t. Finishing means staying on the job until it’s done. It’s about accountability and action, because even when you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there. Jesus has called us to be about his business (Luke 2:49). We must show initiative and take responsibility for the task God has called us to do. B.J. Gallagher and Steve Venture said the ten most important words in finishing strong are: “I won’t wait for others to take the first step.” The three most important words are:”Just do it!”
Jesus was the greatest finisher of all time. At the age of twelve He told his parents, “I must be about My Fathers business.” Later, he told His disciples, “I must
work the works of Him who has sent me” (John 9:4). Facing the cross, He said, “For this cause I was born” (John 18:37). And just before He died, He said,”It
is finished” (John 19:30). Because God’s not dead, He has a plan and purpose for your life and mine. This Sunday we will look at one of the biggest obstacles we face that keeps us from doing what God has called us to do. The Old Testament records for us the story of the children of Israel and the problems that kept them from fulfilling what God had called them to do. We sure don’t want to make the same mistake!