Knowing God in Difficult times

Aug 12, 2018    Dr. Danny Lovett

We'll begin our new series on Knowing the God We Love. Have you ever had a person come along and put his arm around you and say, “Cheer up, things could get worst.” That’s a lot of comfort! One fellow said, “I cheered up and sure enough, things got worst!” These are the things people say when they don’t understand who God is. But there are times when you, as a child of God, will find yourself in difficulty, darkness, discouragement or defeat. Furthermore, you won’t understand why. Things won’t make any sense whatsoever. There will seem to be no rhyme, no reason, no explanation for your trouble. Everything will just seem to go wrong. Then what do you do? This Sunday we will see what Joseph did when every thing when wrong for him. Don’t miss this exciting truth on Knowing God Through Difficult Times.