CCW Kids Sunday Recap
by Eli Alexander on October 21st, 2024
Dear CCW Kids families,In Genesis 22, we read how God tested Abraham and led him to place an awe-inspiring trust in the faithful God over all creation. Abraham revealed a faith in God which reflected the trustworthiness of His character and promises. In today’s story of Abraham and Isaac, we learn what it looks like to entrust everything to God and to believe He is worthy of our ultimate obedience...  Read More
CCW Kids Midweek Recap
by Eli Alexander on October 17th, 2024
Simple Truth: I Am ForgivenTheme Verse: “I will forgive their wrongdoing.” (Hebrews 8:12a)Theme: Switch It UpSession 3: I Can Ask for ForgivenessBible Story: The Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-14)CCW Kids Families,This October kids are learning the Simple Truth, “I Am Forgiven,” and this week they will learn that we can ask for forgiveness. In Matthew 6:9-14, Jesus taught about prayer through what is ...  Read More
Pastor Rick Wright's Update
by Rick Wright on October 17th, 2024
In the next 6 weeks we are going to see the vision given to the 7 Churches of Asia Minor and how every church then- and every church now has the opportunity to be a lamp reflecting Christ's light in darkness.Is it possible to withstand pressure and even endure much opposition for the faith and yet lose love for the reason of the faith? Apparently, it is. Have you ever had the wind knocked out of y...  Read More
CCW Kids Sunday Recap
by Eli Alexander on October 14th, 2024
Dear CCW Kids families,In today’s reading, we see how God kept and demonstrated His faithfulness to Abraham by establishing a covenant with him. The faithfulness of God is shown through Abraham's family lineage as God's promises were ultimately fulfilled in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus––a descendant of Abraham.How did God establish His covenant with Abraham? What was the significance...  Read More
1Way Students
by Pastor Joe on October 14th, 2024
Hey 1WAY Parents and students! This week we will be looking at not falling for idols. We will be in Daniel looking at how he refused to bow to idols and false gods, and how we can do the same today! Youth group will be outside this week as well! Also reminder this Saturday we will be heading to Old baker farm! We will meet at the church at 9am and will be returning back to the church by 12pm. Stud...  Read More
CCW Kids Midweek Recap
by Eli Alexander on October 10th, 2024
Simple Truth: I Am ForgivenTheme Verse: “I will forgive their wrongdoing.” (Hebrews 8:12a)Theme: Switch It UpSession 2: I Can Be ForgivenBible Story: Jacob and Esau (Genesis 27–33)CCW Kids Families,This week in Switch It Up we taught kids that we can be forgiven. In Genesis 27–33, we will learn about two brothers named Jacob and Esau. Jacob hurt his brother deeply through a series of wrong choices...  Read More
Pastor Rick Wright's Update
by Rick Wright on October 10th, 2024
Family, widows and orphans, right sex, government and racial equality are great things to contend for, but the purpose of contending should always be the glory of the Lord.  God’s glory is one of the central themes of scripture and as the “Contend” series closes this week, we hope you will join us as we take a look at how to Contend for God’s Glory. Join us this Sunday at 10AM as we finish the Con...  Read More
1Way Students
by Pastor Joe on October 7th, 2024
Hey 1WAY Parents and students! This week we will be looking at 1 kings 13 which shows us a lesson about obeying God instead of man. We will be looking at why it is of more importance to obey God than man. In this world we live in we can tend to be people pleasers instead of obeying God and the results can be detrimental to our faith. So we will challenge the students to know and obey God's word fi...  Read More
CCW Kids Midweek Recap
by Eli Alexander on October 3rd, 2024
Simple Truth: I Am ForgivenTheme Verse: “I will forgive their wrongdoing.” (Hebrews 8:12a)Theme: Switch It UpSession 1: I Need to Be ForgivenBible Story: The Bronze Snake (Numbers 21:4-9)CCW Kids Families,This October we are learning the Simple Truth, “I Am Forgiven.” Our Theme is Switch It Up, where we will teach kids that God switches things up when He offers us forgiveness.This week, kids learn...  Read More
Pastor Rick Wright's Update
by Benji Wilson on October 3rd, 2024
What is something that gets you really pumped? Maybe it's a hobby, or a sport's team, or time with loved ones. When we love a person or idea enough we will passionately fight for it.  Have you ever been in a place where you could not stand idly by while something happened without interjecting. For Jude, he wanted to write his letter and go one direction, but because of the spread of false teaching...  Read More
CCW Kids Sunday Recap
by Eli Alexander on September 30th, 2024
Dear CCW Kids families,Scripture’s Tower of Babel account tells of man’s disobedience and God’s intervening mercy to keep people from their own destruction. Not long after God’s covenant to never again destroy the earth by a flood, people chose to follow their own sinful plans rather than obey God’s good commands. Despite God’s mercy, people failed to trust Him and walk according to His ways. In w...  Read More
1Way Students
by Pastor Joe on September 30th, 2024
Hey 1WAY Parents and students! This week we will be starting a 4 week series called "I ain't falling for it." We will be looking at different passages of scripture where there was temptations and how biblically we should respond to them. This week we will be looking at the temptation of lust coupled with the story of Samson and Delilah. In this story Samson gets it wrong but we know that we can le...  Read More