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Is it possible to withstand pressure and even endure much opposition for the faith and yet lose love for the reason of the faith? Apparently, it is. Have you ever had the wind knocked out of you? The Church at Ephesus has many good and admirable qualities yet one little, tiny, word changes the tone of an encouraging letter. Nevertheless is a word that carries much weight. Revelation 2:5 states, "Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love." Whew, that is a knock the wind-out statement. I am so glad it doesn't end there and the letter continues with a formula for renewal.
In this life our struggles may look very different, but we all endure all kinds of struggles. How do we learn to struggle well? Those who walk through tribulation and remain faithful are promised the extravagant reward of the crown of life. We are going to delve into how to be faithful through the struggles.
Give and take, finding a win-win outcome and going along to get along are common principles in modern society. Compromise is a big, big deal in the world where we live. What about with our faith? When should we compromise and when should we stand firm in our beliefs, convictions and actions? The people of the Church at Pergamos faced many of these same questions in the first century. Join us this Sunday as we explore the letter Jesus had John write to them in Revelation 2.
If the church is anything in the world, it is God’s holy people. Churches should be known by how they exalt right and how they condemn wrong. Churches should be known for speaking out against sin and pursuing godliness. But in our day, as in other days, that is not always the standard; and it wasn’t the standard in the church in Thyatira. We have to keep our minds guarded against manipulation and impure motives in the Church. We are warned that toleration of sin will bring God's judgement.
You have heard phrases like Don't judge a book by its cover, there's more than meets the eye, not all that glitters is gold and on goes the list. What are they conveying that appearances may not reflect the true nature of something. That is the case in Revelation 3, as we meet with the church at Sardis and the church at Laodicea. They had reputations, seen as something, when in reality from the inside they were falling to pieces. We are going to look at what the church today needs, to not be the Artificial church, or the Apathetic church, but to be the Awakened Church!
Happy Thanksgiving Week! I hope that you have had a wonderful time of gathering and being grateful for the many, many blessings of God! Philadelphia, what a church, a blessed church with a commendation from God! What a thing to attain unto, that we would benefit from the stamped approval of our King!
What made Philadelphia stand out? It was not its massive participation or monumental power, but it was its ministry in perseverance. Because Philadelphia was humble and unrelenting in adversity, God would open a door that could not be shut.