CCW Kids Midweek Recap
CCW Kids Midweek Recap!
Simple Truth: I Am Made for Community
Theme Verse: “Consider others as more important than yourselves.” (Philippians 2:3b)
Theme: Get Connected
Session 3: I Can Cheer On My Friends
Bible Story: Paul Gave Hope (Philippians 4)
CCW Kids Families,
This week, our Get Connected Bible story is from Philippians 4. Paul, who loved and followed Jesus, wrote an encouraging letter to other Jesus followers in a place called Philippi. In this letter, Paul addressed the hard truth that following Jesus wouldn’t be easy. But he encouraged the followers in Philippi to stay strong and encourage one another. When we cheer on our friends with the truth about who God is and the good things He is doing, our community stands strong in Him.
Talk as a family about someone you would like to cheer on. This can be a teacher, neighbor, leader, pastor, or someone else in your community. Put together a few items that person would like, offer an invitation for dinner, or simply write a note sharing your appreciation and gratitude. Help your kids see what happens when we cheer on and encourage others in our community.
Session 3: I Can Cheer On My Friends
Read: Philippians 4
Highlight: Philippians 4:8-9
Reflect: How can you cheer on, encourage, and celebrate your friends?
Connect: What difference does it make when your friends encourage and cheer you on? How has God equipped you to be an encourager to others?
Theme Verse: “Consider others as more important than yourselves.” (Philippians 2:3b)
Theme: Get Connected
Session 3: I Can Cheer On My Friends
Bible Story: Paul Gave Hope (Philippians 4)
CCW Kids Families,
This week, our Get Connected Bible story is from Philippians 4. Paul, who loved and followed Jesus, wrote an encouraging letter to other Jesus followers in a place called Philippi. In this letter, Paul addressed the hard truth that following Jesus wouldn’t be easy. But he encouraged the followers in Philippi to stay strong and encourage one another. When we cheer on our friends with the truth about who God is and the good things He is doing, our community stands strong in Him.
Talk as a family about someone you would like to cheer on. This can be a teacher, neighbor, leader, pastor, or someone else in your community. Put together a few items that person would like, offer an invitation for dinner, or simply write a note sharing your appreciation and gratitude. Help your kids see what happens when we cheer on and encourage others in our community.
Session 3: I Can Cheer On My Friends
Read: Philippians 4
Highlight: Philippians 4:8-9
Reflect: How can you cheer on, encourage, and celebrate your friends?
- Encourage them face to face.
- Send them encouraging messages.
- Build them up to other people.
Connect: What difference does it make when your friends encourage and cheer you on? How has God equipped you to be an encourager to others?
Posted in CCW Kids
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