1Way Students

Hey 1WAY Parents and students! This week we will be looking at the song called "They not like us" It is not a great song but the kids are all listening to it so I believe it is worth addressing. The angle of the song is that the artist singing is on a level of his own and no one is better than him. I believe this sends a message to our youth that they can look down on others and feel better than others and the truth is we are all on the same level with God. We all have gifts we all have flaws we all need Jesus. So this week we will address the truth that we are equal in God’s eyes. We are equally loved and have purpose given to us by God. Also want to remind everyone who will be sending their students to winter retreat they should have their students at the pie auction Sept 22nd at noon. Every student present will get money towards their total retreat cost. Also see you at the pole is Sept 25th at 7am at your school's flag pole. We will have our staff at different school to help the teens and support them as they lead! This is a great way for them to show their peers what they believe and to stand united with their classmates so please bring them. We cannot wait to see everyone this week!

Upcoming Events  
Sept 22nd Pie Auction
September 25th see you at the pole (@7am at the school flag pole)
October 1st Winter retreat deposits due
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