1Way Students

1Way Students
Hey 1WAY Parents and students! This week is our second youth led night! We will have the students leading every part of the service! I believe this type of service is important because the students need to be reminded that they have a calling to take the Gospel everywhere they go. They do not have to wait till they are adults to serve God, I believe it starts here and now! With that being said Please be praying for boldness for our students to step out of their comfort for the cause of Christ. Also for six flags we will be leaving the church at 8:30am and returning back by 10pm! Also our pie auction is sept 22nd at noon, and every student who helps will get money put towards their winter retreat costs! So please have them there! We hope your week is going well we can't wait to see you and your students soon!

Upcoming Events  
Sept 4th Student Led service
Sept 14th Six Flags- $45.00
Sept 22nd Pie Auction
September 25th see you at the pole (@7am at the school flag pole)
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